
And he told us of his life in the land of Submarines

It's time, it's time. For my last film "review" on this blog.
The film I'm talking about is (everybody!) "Submarine"! It also happens to be my favourite film out of all three films that I saw at the festival this year.
I remember seeing the trailer when it was released way back in October (at least I think it was October) and not being able to wait to actually see it, so there was generally a lot of excitement in my air that day.

Fun fact: After pre-buying the ticket to see the film at the GFT, I happened to find out that the screening of the day before had director Richard Ayoade, Craig Roberts and Yasmin Page introducing the movie. From what I can remember it was a last-minute thing. But still I was very disappointed that I missed that screening. I was even more disappointed after having actually seen the film cause it turned out to be so good.
But that's all in the past now so I shall not dwell on it.

And so I finally saw it and boy did it live up to my expectations.

The hilarious yet touching coming-of-age film tells the story of Oliver (played by newcomer Craig Roberts, who's here to stay. You heard it here first.) as he tries to save his parents' (Noah Taylor & Sally Hawkins) marriage and simultaneously tries to maintain a relationship with his first girlfriend Jordana (Yasmin Page).
The film is the directorial debut of comedian Richard Ayoade (of The IT Crowd), who also wrote the screenplay, which is based on the novel by Joe Dunthorne.
It was also an Official Festival Selection at Sundance this year.

The soundtrack includes some pretty good tracks and they are original songs, written purposefully for the film by Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys.
The Director, Craig Roberts,  Yasmin Page and Ben Stiller. (Wait. Wah? Yeah apparently he has an executive producer credit and also had a teeny cameo in the film.)
But all these facts are irrelevant, all you need to know is that you'll laugh your bum off if you go see this movie. That's really all there is to it. I remember the entire theatre being in a constant state of laughter during the entire screening.

I love this pic tho. (click to enlarge)
All in all, it's the perfect movie but there's one thing that was very wrong with it. Yasmin Page. I'm sure she's a lovely person but she really does not convince me as an actress. I really don't mean to be a "cyber bully" but her performance physically pained me, and that's only my opinion. Every time she came on screen I just cringed. To the extent that I couldn't understand why Oliver was so in love her. But yet I bought it. (Which is meant as a compliment for Craig Roberts' performance not Page's)
There is this one scene where she's supposed to be mad at him and all she does are some weird ticks that I think are supposed to make her endearing, which only make her seem mental. Don't even get me started on her facial expressions.
Now, I don't know how the director intended for us to see her so I won't say anything else on the subject.
Other films that she's been in and that have only fostered my annoyance with her, include; I Could Never be Your Woman (2007) (with Michelle Pfeifer and Paul Rudd) and Ballet Shoes (2007) (a made-for-TV movie with Emma Watson).
Ok, ok, I promise *rant over*.

But my personal feelings about Yasmin Page aside, it's a pitch-perfect screenplay played by an extremely talented cast, so you're guaranteed your money's worth.

Now, please enjoy the trailer below:

It's in cinemas right now, so GO while you still can!

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